Shawn Burns, GM/OP, awards Summer Loftin, Spring HS Senior, with $5,000 scholarship from Planet Ford in Spring, Texas & the Reed family
Summer Loftin, a Spring High School senior, has a dream of being a nurse and helping others. Today, Randall Reed and the Planet Ford team helped Summer fund her dreams. She is the recipient of a $5,000 scholarship from the Reed family and Planet Ford in Spring, Texas.
This morning, the staff from Spring High School, Spring ISD and Planet Ford teamed up with Summer’s mother, Teresa Burne, and the student’s sister, Kim, to award her the surprise of a lifetime. When Summer walked into the Lion’s Cafe, she thought they were simply signing some school paperwork. Once inside the cafe, she was greeted with cheers and awarded a bigger than life-size check for $5,000 by Shawn Burns, Operating Partner/General Manager of Planet Ford on I-45.
“We’re thrilled to award our annual scholarship to such a hard-working and deserving student,” said Mr. Burns. “Being able to surprise her with these much-needed scholarship funds and seeing both the reaction of both Summer and her family means a lot.”
Summer has been accepted into the nursing program at Texas A&M. She says she is looking forward to a lifelong career of caring and helping others in their time of need.
To learn more about Planet Ford in Spring (serving The Woodlands, Houston, Conroe, Aldine, Cypress), take the drive on I-45 to the Louetta exit. You can shop our huge selection of New Fords and pre-owned vehicles online anytime at www.PlanetFord45.com!